DVDs (Import)

  • Moon Phase Vol. 1
    Beauty Is The Beast! While a photographer is investigating a mysterious castle, he discovers a captivating young vampire girl who s been trapped there for years. Unknowingly, he frees her and ensnares them both in a struggle for love, power and authority among the undead and other dark forces that …
  • Moon Phase Vol. 2
    A vision of grace and beauty trapped within the ancient walls of a forgotten castle, awaiting the one who will set her free... The young vampire Hazuki has found herself a new life Kouhei s. Enchanted not by any supernatural wiles, but rather by her natural grace and charm, the photographer s family …
  • Moon Phase Vol. 3
    Episodes 11 - 14 of the immensely popular anime series Moon Phase
  • Moon Phase Vol. 6
    Like a child s rhyme, from beginning to end and back again... Full circle has Hazuki and the Mido clan come, but the stakes are far higher than ever they were-no longer the spectre of death, but the loss of a soul. Kouhei, having seen Hazuki s true form, cannot reconcile the little vampire he has …


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